Top Software Training Institute in Kochi,Kerala| 100% placement support

Centre of Excellence

CoE (Centre of Excellence) for Data Analytics, the first of its kind in Kerala is being set up with the vision of enabling the young and enthusiastic technology students and working professionals with advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities that eventually helps them to be more efficient in technology deliveries and also to find out the right job opportunities from the industry.

The program is designed to fix the gap that stops job seekers from landing in the right roles and opportunities. Apart from the technology skill sets, the program also covers the topic of Business communication to equip the candidates for greater challenges. Students are taken through regular sessions of logical reasoning and analytical sessions to make them test ready.

Unlike any other technology skilling program available across the state, CoE for Data Analytics is designed in a way that includes 100 hours per month that covers technology sessions, lab exercises, Tech presentations, Interactive sessions with seniors from industry and assessments & reviews. The candidates will be also given special exposures to softskills, live projects and industry oriented demonstration. The program simulates the real-time environment for a typical Data Analytics project with participants working to find solutions for real-time business use cases. Trainon takes immense pride and pleasure to associate with ILMCET to set up the lab facility that helps the students to achieve the targets and goals set as part of the CoE program.

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